Why, hello there, traveller! I’m impressed that you’ve returned after those haunting Halloween gifs last week! I slept with one eye open for the entire week! Yes, it’s possible to scare yourself! If you’ve just stumbled over here to this corner of the Internet, welcome. This is “Whoa, Man,” my recurring series of images, videos, and gifs that are all kinds of whoa, straight from the whimsical storage container I keep behind my cottage, guarded by three angry gnomes.

We’ve already discussed the 2016 election, and I hypnotized you with a bevy of political gifs before the first presidential debate. But don’t put the bong down just yet: There are still two more presidential debates and opportunities for viewing parties! Tonight, Trump and Clinton will spar at Washington University in St. Louis.

While Hillary will be focused on disseminating true or mostly true facts during the 90-minute discourse, the Donald will most likely continue to make fantastical and straight-up pants-on-fire statements. Who ever thought indisputable figures, statements said on video multiple times, and historical events could be a source of debate? The truth, dear traveller, is a funny thing.

This political season, it’s important to remember to not believe everything you hear. Because things, aren’t always what they seem. Make sure to do your own fact-checking before choosing a candidate and promise me that you’ll at least attempt to research the many propositions you can vote on in your state.

On that note, on with the gifs! These are hand-selected and I hope they will truly fuck with your brain. Because, like in politics, the first appearance deceives many, but the intelligence of a few perceives what is carefully hidden.

On Sunday, the debate will be held as a town hall meeting, with citizens seated on either side of the candidates. Hopefully, these are not their chairs.

It’s up to the participants to ask vital questions, like, “Are these cigarettes really the same size?”

Will Hillary wear red again? Will Trump wear another blue suit? Maybe the candidates can wear both.

Either way, they’ll both have to corner their opponents on issues where they differ.

For instance: Trump says these are circles. Hillary says they are squares.

Hillary recognizes the hollow mask. While, it’s entirely possible Trump does not see it at all.

Depending how either of them see it, this dancer is either moving clockwise, or counterclockwise.

One thing is for sure: There are a lot of complicated issues at play. Like, how are these people shrinking and growing? Why has the government been so silent about that?


It makes my face hurt just to think about it!

Both candidates can certainly agree, that if you stare at the black plus sign, a green circle appears.

And turtles definitely cannot fly. Or can they?

I suppose, dear traveller, that it’s all in how you look at things.

Just don’t tell me you’re “drawing” and then show me a snakemetaphorically speaking.

Or feed me these useless tangerines!

Because I have the power to break your brain!!!

Sorry, traveller. I got worked up. Sidenote: Has anyone seen my dog? Here’s a picture of my bathroom. Is the rug shaking?